- Added forecast dependency
- Reformatted vignettes to fit companion manuscript for package
- Changed fludta dataset to included all years
- Added SARIMA, GAM models as options
- renamed get_fitvals, glm_fitvals, as function is approach more complex and specific with new modeling methods
- rewrote and consolidate code for fluglm
- updated tidy eval for most recent version of rlang
- changed fluglm output to be predicted and baseline fitted values
- added additional unit tests
- fixed errors in 05- vignette
- modified fluglm to accept negative binomial option
- modified viral option to accept multiple viral types
- fixed author typo
- added viral option to fluglm
- renamed serflm to fluserf
- Streamlined tidy eval between functions
- converted lm to glm functions
- added flum wrapper function
- renamed and edited fluexcess to fludiff
- added fluglm function
- fluplot.R function written
- ird function added
- serflm.R function written
- GitPages / Vignettes Set-up
Project set-up, data upload.